Commit 96c9aef6 by 李二毛

Merge branch 'development' into 'rel/major'


See merge request liermao/microservice-autodevopspipelines!30
parents 2f5f9cc3 f052ced2
Pipeline #4124 failed with stages
in 41 seconds
......@@ -18,18 +18,12 @@ dotnet build ${solutionName}
echo ""
echo "Please check the version of each microservice carefully !!!"
declare publishOutputDir=./publish
rm -fr ${publishOutputDir}
mkdir -p ${publishOutputDir}
GetServices services
for servicePrefix in ${services}
IsPublishableOf ${servicePrefix} isPublishable
GetServiceName ${servicePrefix} serviceName
GetServiceCsProjFile ${servicePrefix} ${serviceName} serviceCsProjFile
CI ${serviceName} ${serviceCsProjFile} ${publishOutputDir}
CI ${serviceName} ${serviceCsProjFile}
echo ""
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function CI()
declare serviceName=$1
declare publishFile=$2
declare publishOutputDir=s2
declare publishOutputDir="/tmp/${serviceName}"
GetVersion version
GetImageUserName registryUserName
......@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ function CI()
echo ""
echo "begin delivery for ${serviceName}:${version}..."
mkdir -p ${publishOutputDir}/${serviceName}
dotnet publish ${publishFile} -o ../../publish/${serviceName} -c release --no-restore
docker build -t ${imagefullname} ${publishOutputDir}/${serviceName}
mkdir -p ${publishOutputDir}
dotnet publish ${publishFile} -o ${publishOutputDir} -c release --no-restore
docker build -t ${imagefullname} ${publishOutputDir}
docker push ${imagefullname}
rm -fr ${publishOutputDir}/${serviceName}
rm -fr ${publishOutputDir}
echo "delivery for ${serviceName}:${version} has been successful."
\ No newline at end of file
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