Commit fa76ab53 by 李二毛

Merge branch 'development' into 'rel/major'


See merge request liermao/microservice-autodevopspipelines!27
parents 1419e943 a520ecda
Pipeline #4118 failed with stages
in 33 seconds
......@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ function CI()
GetImageUserName registryUserName
# repository name must be lowercase
ToLower $1 RegistryHost
ToLower $1 registryUserName
ToLower $1 imagename
ToLower ${RegistryHost} RegistryHost
ToLower ${registryUserName} registryUserName
ToLower ${imagename} imagename
declare imagefullname="${RegistryHost}/${registryUserName}/${imagename}:${version}"
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