Commit 91397362 by 据说甜蜜呢


parent 2981db1d
Pipeline #4082 passed with stage
in 16 seconds
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ declare appName
GetAppName appName
echo "Continuous integration for ${appName} starting..."
declare solutionName=($(grep -oP '(?<=SolutionName>)[^<]+' "devops/app.props"))
GetSolutionName solutionName
dotnet build ${solutionName}
echo "Please check the version of each microservice carefully !!!"
......@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ function GetAppName()
eval $1="${appName}"
function GetSolutionName()
declare name=($(grep -oP '(?<=SolutionName>)[^<]+' "./devops/app.props"))
eval $1="${name}"
function GetImageUserName()
declare name=($(grep -oP '(?<=ImageUserName>)[^<]+' "devops/deploy.props"))
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